Travel Information

 showing where pälkäne is in the map of Finland Pälkäne (red) is a municipality in Finland, taking its name from the town of Pälkäne (marked), and is part of the Pirkanmaa region (blue).

Pälkäne is about 140km / 90 minutes north of Helsinki and about 30km / 30 minutes east of Tampere.

Pälkäne is accessible by water from Tampere, Hämeenlinna, Valkeakoski, Hauho and Längelmäki. Visitors can dock their boats at the guest harbour on Kostian river.

Pälkäne is linked by numerous bus services, such as Luopioisten Linja and Matkahoulto, and there are also various taxi services.

The nearest train stations are Tampere and Hämeenlinna.

Helsinki airport is served by most international carriers, while Tampere airport offers some national and european flights.